Photo by: Kirsten Francis
There is no better feeling than getting into a crisp, clean bed at the end of the day. Your own personal happy place made for the sole purpose of rest and relaxation. You have spent countless hours perfecting your experience. Finding the right mattress, the softest sheets, and adding personal touches. Now it’s time to preserve that happiness for months and years to come. This is our guide to maintaining the perfect sheets.
How to Wash?

Photo courtesy of The Laundress
You should wash your sheets about once a week to keep germs from building up in your bed. Items like shams. and throws that are not used every day can be washed every few weeks. When washing your sheets always use low to medium heat as high temperatures can damage the fibers and decrease longevity. The same goes for drying.
If you can, rinse your sheets twice to prevent detergent from building up. And never use dryer sheets or fabric softener as they will damage the cotton over time, increase pilling, and shorten the lifespan of your bedding.
A quick tip to prevent wrinkles, take your sheets out of the dryer before they are fully dry and drape them over the back of a chair or on a laundry rack to finish drying. Much easier than ironing.
How to Store?

Photo courtesy of The Laundress

Photo by: Ambria Michelle Cone
Whether you are storing your bedding for a short or long time, you should always try to find a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the sheets to yellow quicker. You can also use a canvas or cotton bag to store extra linens, but try to avoid plastic bags and containers. Use subtle air fresheners to keep your sheets smelling fresh and clean while they are in storage. The Laundress Fabric Fresh Spray is great to spritz on linens for a quick refresh.
When to Replace?

Photo courtesy of Mikoh
Even when you take the best care of your bedding, the time will come to replace them. The first sign that sheets need to be replaced is slight discoloration, yellowing, or pilling.
Other pieces like pillows, comforters, and decorative items should last longer than your everyday sheets. Great pillows can last years with proper care. Make sure you follow the specific instructions on the pillow itself as the care will vary depending on the material it’s made from. As a rule of thumb, sheets should be replaced every 6 months to a year.